川井 徳寛 Tokuhiro Kawai

スリープコレクター sleep collector

舞台 進化論的創世記 Genesis as evolution theory
Opened : 87×36.5 cm Closed : 43×36.5 cm
oil on canvas
閉翼時 (close)
In this work, I try to make it look like a theatrical stage, the opening of play is shown and the triptych appears when the panels are opened.
Angels wearing full-body tights in chromakey composite color play the role behind scenes and they almost blend into the background.
I drew them as a symbol of the godly existence in the real world that cannot be recognized by human senses on the assumption that they are invisible.
In addition, I drew the background in the right panel realistically to express the beautiful nature created by God. On the other hand, I drew the background in the other panel as artificial beauty from the image of the stage backdrop.
Then Adam in monkey suit who is still manipulated by an angel cut off the strings to free himself since he got a will by eating the fruit of knowledge.
I am trying to fuse religious elements in Genesis and scientific theory of evolution in my way in this work.
・The frame is used as a stage and the stage shows the beginning of a story (start of things) and the end of a story (end of things). Lights are off when the panels are closed to show two paintings.
・The stage opens, to develop the left and right scenes. The “KUROKO angel” at the upper of the painting wearing green and light blue tights inspired by modern image technology.They are drawn as something godly and they work behind scenes.
(right panel)
・Adam move to the center evolving into human.
(left panel)
・Eva is tempted to eat the fruit of the knowledge by the angel with the snake painted it’s face.
Because of chroma key composition of the cloth behind, Eva can only see the snake on the face of the angel.
・Although the angels work behind the scenes to support the human world, the universe seen from the crack in the ground depicts danger and anxiety as humans are moving away from the protection of gods.
・In the sky, the Creator, who created humans to make them look like himself, sheds his human costume and discloses his real self.
The right panel represents the world created by God naturally and realistic, while the center and the left panels represent an artificial world deviated away from God with early Flemish touches.
triptych・・・It originated from early christian art and became a standard format for altarpiece since the Medieval period.